Wednesday, February 20, 2013

pink hi-top adventures

well, once again the veil lifts and i emerge from the whirlpool.

last week, the psychiatrist tweaked my medications, adding some to assist the others {sometimes the body adapts to medications and adjustments become necessary - for more info, see WebMd.}; i am pleasantly surprised to say that  i am looking forward…yes, looking forward... to the remainder of this week!

just glancing over pink hi-top adventures, i noticed the design and masthead look very...youthful - perhaps not quite age 46? but, i truly feel the design reflects the person i am when not depressed / anxious ~ my true self ~ the self i last was as a child.

for it was around age 7 that anxiety began sticking to my skin like prickly burrs, and depression slowly grew as its sickly offspring. neither was all-consuming or enough to stop me in my tracks until adulthood. yet, only now am i beginning to return to that original self - not a child per sae - but ME.

when i originally started this blog a few years ago, it was an attempt to chronicle my “adventures” in mid-life. you see, as a child i always wanted to be a girl scout, but never shared this desire with my parents. lord knows if i did, they would have signed me up, pronto…and that would have ejected me full-throttle into the highly-charged rejection-potential of...socializing with my peers! 

decades later, after serving as a leader for my daughters’ troops, I realized how much I missed out on by not taking a chance: bonding, team building, friendships, fun, and self-confidence that i desperately wanted and needed. i had a loving, supportive family, and rose to success in other areas of my life, but i truly i missed out on the sisterhood and adventures of scouting. this blog was originally intended to be my own “troop” launch pad - a place for me to document my own adventures, challenges, learning, and explorations while making friends along the way. though it fizzled out as I did, i think the goal remains the same.

this is the chronicle of a great adventure – an adventure out of the darkness of mental illness and into life. i look forward to where it may lead, and i embrace the idea of learning and making friends along the way!

stay tuned….

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